
Blender change mouse cursor color size
Blender change mouse cursor color size

blender change mouse cursor color size

$RegCursors.SetValue("IBeam","%SystemRoot%\cursors\beam_r.cur") $RegCursors.SetValue("Help","%SystemRoot%\cursors\help_r.cur") $RegCursors.SetValue("Crosshair","%SystemRoot%\cursors\cross_r.cur") $RegCursors.SetValue("Arrow","%SystemRoot%\cursors\arrow_rl.cur") $RegCursors.SetValue("AppStarting","%SystemRoot%\cursors\wait_r.cur") $RegCursors.SetValue("CursorBaseSize",0x40) $RegCursors = $RegConnect.OpenSubKey("Control Panel\Cursors",$true) The following is a PowerShell command example: $RegConnect = ::OpenRemoteBaseKey("CurrentUser","$env:COMPUTERNAME") SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETCURSORS, 0, 0, SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE | SPIF_SENDCHANGE) It can be done using SystemParametersInfo function with SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE and SPIF_SENDCHANGE to writes the new system-wide parameter setting to the user profile and broadcasts the WM_SETTINGCHANGE message after updating the user profile. Here are the settings I used in Process Monitors filter to narrow down the items.Īfter registry value changed, it requires trigger to apply these update. The HKCU\Control Panel\Cursors\(Default) section SettingsHandlers_nt.dllĪnd this also for the accessibility section. This may lead someone more knowledgeable than me to find how to update the mouse size. If I run Process Monitor from Sysinternals and dig deep in there I can see this under the stack summary. How is it possible to force the update without logging out and back in or restarting the machine. So if I run this PowerShell code the mouse size in the ease of access setting is at the correct value. It will change the correct values in the registry. $CursorRefresh::SystemParametersInfo(0x0057,0,$null,0) Uint = Add-Type -MemberDefinition $CSharpSig -Name WinAPICall -Namespace SystemParamInfo -PassThru Public static extern bool SystemParametersInfo(

blender change mouse cursor color size

$CSharpSig = EntryPoint = "SystemParametersInfo")] Set the uiParam parameter to zero and the pvParam parameter to NULL. # Here is where it lists stuff relating to setting and updating any settings changed. # This section is where I thought it would update the cursor size. $RegCursorsAccess.SetValue("CursorSize", 3)

blender change mouse cursor color size

$RegCursorsControlPanel.SetValue("CursorBaseSize", 48) # In the code below I'm trying to change the size of the cursor. $RegCursorsControlPanel = $RegConnect.OpenSubKey("Control Panel\Cursors", $true) $RegCursorsAccess = $RegConnect.OpenSubKey("Software\Microsoft\Accessibility", $true) Here's the code I have so far (Some additional comments within): $RegConnect = ::OpenRemoteBaseKey("CurrentUser", "$env:COMPUTERNAME") I've written the code below to affect (what I think) are the only reg keys responsible for the size of the cursor and pointer in Windows 10.

Blender change mouse cursor color size